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Robertson County Sheriff's Office

​​​​IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY CALL 911 or need to have someone dispatched call 859-428-1212

P.O. Box 365, 26 Court Street, Mt. Olivet, KY 41064     Office: 606-724-5511     Fax: 606-724-5009

Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Wednesday 8:00 am - Noon,​ Saturday hours: October 8:00 am - Noon

​​​​​Sheriff: Terry Gray                                                                           

Non Elected Offical Chief Deputy Sheriff: Reva Ash

​​​Vehicle Inspections

Vehicles with out-of-state titles or salvage titles are required to have a sheriff's inspection. The sheriff and several of his staff are certified to do inspections.  Inspections are done at the Sheriff's Office during office hours. The cost of an inspection is $15.00 payable at the office.  If we come out to your residence the cost is $35.00, Saturday by appointment 8 AM to Noon. You may call the office at (606) 724-5511 to request an on-site inspection. The items you will need when requesting an inspection are; the title to the vehicle, a Kentucky Application for Title, and your driver's license. To find out more concerning Vehicle Titles contact Robertson County Clerks Office at (606) 724-5212 or the Kentucky Department of Motor Vehicle Licensing web site.

C.C.D.W. Information

KRS 237110 sets forth the criteria for receiving a Concealed Carry Permit.  You may obtain a list of instructors in your area at the Robertson County Sheriff's Office.  Once training is completed, and you have received your Certificate you will need the following to process your application:
  1. Certificate of Firearms training (New C.C.D.W. only).
  2. Photo ID (Must reflect 6 months of Kentucky residence.
  3. Photograph (Photos are available at the Sheriff's Office for a $5.00 fee).
  4. Check or money order payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer (no abbreviations) in the amount of $40.00.
  5. Check, cash, or money order for $20.00 payable to the Robertson County Sheriff for C.C.D.W. processing ($25.00 if including photo being taken by the Sheriff's Office).
All forms required for this process are available in the Sheriff's Office.

Court Security Officers

The Robertson County Sheriff's Office is responsible for the security of the Justice Center and one District Court Judge, one Circuit Court Judge, and one Family Court Judge, and the hiring of the Court Security Officers.
Certified Court Security Officer (CCSO) Requirements
Court Security Officers are hired and are employees of the Robertson County Sheriff's office.  The state legislature has mandated that anyone working as a CCSO is required to pass the following standards before being employed as a Court Security Officer.
  1. US Citizen and at least 21 years of age.
  2. High School Graduate/GED.
  3. Possess a valid Operators License.
  4. Have not been convicted of a felony.
  5. Not prohibited by federal or state law from carrying a firearm.
  6. Completed background investigation, psychological screening, polygraph examination, submission to fingerprints, and drug screen.
  7. Read and signed a copy of the Kentucky Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.
Persons hired as Court Security Officers will be required upon hiring to complete 80 hours of certification training at the Department of Criminal Justice Training in Richmond, Kentucky and they will be required to stay in the dorms at the Department of Criminal Justice.  They will also be required to complete 40 hours of in-service training every other year.

Fees & Services

In accordance with KRS 64.090(2), the Sheriffs Fee for Executing and Return Service of Process is:
  1. Civil Summons,  Subpoenas, Warrant of Possession, et. filed in Circuit Court: $60.00 per individual.
  2. Civil Summons,  Subpoenas, Eviction Notice, Small Claims Notice, etc. filed IN District Court: $60.00 per individual.
If you are requesting service on a case filed out of state you must also provide an affidavit of Service to be completed by our office.
All documents must have a physical address, as we can not execute service at a post office box.
All Executions/Proof of Service will be returned to the specified County Circuit Clerk.  If you require a copy/proof of service or status of service for your records, please include a second form, card, etc., for your return with a self-addressed envelope.
General Fee Schedule
  1. Copy of Accident Report, Theft Report - $10.00 per report (you must provide a SASE).
  2. Copies of Photos from Accident $10 (if available on CD- $15.00 per CD up to 750MB.
  3. Vehicle Inspection (vehicle brought to RCSO) -$15.00 per vehicle.
  4. Vehicle Inspection (RCSO comes to your location) - $35.00 first vehicle and $15 each additional vehicle.
  5. CCDW New Application or Renewal KSP Fee (check only) - $40.00 payable to Kentucky State Treasurer.
  6. CCDW Photo (check, cash, money order to RCSO) - $5.00 Payable to Robertson County Sheriff.
  7. CCDW New Application or Renewal Process Fee (check, cash, money order) - $20.00  Payable to Robertson County Sheriff.
  8. NSF Returned Check Fee - $50.00 cash only.

Property Tax

The Sheriff normally receives the tax bills by the end of September.  By statute, we may not accept tax payments prior to this time.  Most taxpayers should anticipate receiving their bills the first week of October.  The bill will show four different due dates and payment amounts.  For the current tax year, the dates and amounts due are as follows: 
Received or postmarked by:
  1. October 1 - November 1, 2% discount.
  2. November 2​ - December 31, Face value.
  3. January 1 - January 31, 5% Penalty .
  4. February 1 - April 15, and thereafter 21% Penalty.
All tax bills that are not paid by April 15, for each year, they be turned over to the Robertson County Clerk at the close of business.  These bills are subject to be purchased by third-party purchasers.  There will be a substantial amount of penalties added to the bill at that time. 
Our office recognizes postmarks as evidence of timely payment.  Collection dates and penalty amounts are set by statute and approved by the Kentucky Revenue Cabinet.

Frequently Asked Property Tax Questions

May I pay several bills with one payment?

Yes. However, if you do, please check to be sure you've added all the appropriate amounts correctly, so your payments will not be delayed in processing. Please remember to include your bills for each property bill you pay.

What if I am due a refund?

If for some reason, you think there is an overpayment, please call the Sheriff's Office. We may need you to provide documentation before a refund can be processed.

Will I get a receipt?

Your canceled check or money order may serve as your receipt, if you pay by mail and would like a receipt please include a self-addressed stamped envelope and we will return a paid receipt to you. If you are a walk-in customer a receipt will be provided to you.​

How do I make a payment?

There are four convenient methods of paying your property tax bill. 
1.By mailing your tax bill to Robertson County Sheriff's Office, P.O. Box 365, Mt. Olivet, Ky 41064
2. In-person at the Sheriff's Office located at 26 Court Street, Mt. Olivet, Ky 41064
3. Call the Sheriff's Office 606-724-5511 to make payment over the phone with your credit card / debitcard. (3% extra charge)
4. Payment drop box can be found outside the Sheriff's Office.

When is my payment due?

There is a schedule at the bottom right of your tax bill, showing the amount that is due, depending on the date your payment is received. As you can see, if your payment is received in the Sheriff's Office by the earliest date shown, you will receive a 2 percent discount. Please note that the later you wait to pay, the higher the amount due.

How do I pay my bill?

You may pay your bill by cash (in-person only), check, cashier's check, money order, or credit card / debit card (3% extra charge). Make your check, cashier's check or money order payable to Robertson County Sheriff's Office. Include the Bill number (shown on your bill at the top right) on this form of payment. 

To whom do I pay delinquent taxes for prior tax years?

Please contact the Robertson County Clerk at 606-724-5212 to request a payoff amount for delinquent real property tax bills or the Robertson County Attorney's Office at 606-724-5322 to request a payoff amount for delinquent tangible and intangible tax bills.

What are Homestead and Disability exemptions?

These exemptions can reduce your taxable assessment. The homestead exemption applies to people over 65 who own the home in which they live. The disability exemption applies to people who are totally disabled and own the home in which they live. If you think you might qualify for either of these exemptions, and you are not already receiving the exemption, call the Property Valuation Administrator's Office at 606-724-5213.

What if I bought or sold the property during this year?

The seller usually pays a pro-rated tax during closing for the portion of the year they owned the property. The buyer is then responsible to pay the entire tax amount when billed. If you are in doubt, refer to your closing settlement statement to see what was agreed upon.​

I thought my mortgage company took care of this, why did I receive this bill?

In the past, we used to send your tax bill to your mortgage company however, due to errors property tax bills are only mailed to the property owner and it is your responsibility to forward it to your mortgage company.

How was my tax calculated?

The property tax bill lists the assessed value of your property, the tax rate that was applied by various jurisdictions (such as the state, county, and school systems), and the subtotal of each, (before discounts or penalties). Pay only the single amount listed in the "If Paid By: Balance Due" areas at the bottom right of your bill. Do not submit separate payments for each subtotal!

Why did I receive this bill?

Tax bills for real estate property are sent to the owner of the record as of January 1, or the current owner, according to the records of the Property Valuation Administrator's Office. If you are not the current owner please call or forward this bill to the owner if possible. If this is not possible, please notify the Sheriff's Office.​​

What if I haven't received a tax bill?

If you have not received your tax bill after the first week of October, please contact our office and a duplicate bill will be sent to you promptly.​
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